Stay updated on the latest news about the Davvi wind farm and wind power in Norway.



What's happening?

Planområdet for davvi vindpark er et godt eksempel på uberørt natur med begrenset naturverdi

How can we protect and grow simultaneously?

Ragna Sørlundsengen, sustainability specialist at St1, points out that there are several factors at play when assessing the environmental value...
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Northern part of the Nordics will be pioneers

In northern Sweden, there is construction for a future based on renewable energy. - Villages have to some extent...
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Fordeler med store vindkraftverk og energieffektivitet. Bildet viser store vindmøller med store rotorblader satt i karrig landskap.

Wind power plants and energy efficiency - Benefits of constructing large wind power plants

With a planned area of 63 square kilometers, Davvi Wind Park will become a large wind power facility, but it is at...
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Renewable Energy: Transition Phase and Sustainable Profitability

– Many different reports and estimates have been made regarding Norway's power needs in the coming...
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Administrerende direktør i Fornybar Norge, Åslaug Haga snakker om bærekraftig utvikling blant vindkraftverk

A more sustainable development for wind farms after the stop in permit applications 

Greater local anchoring and stricter environmental requirements have contributed to wind power, as a renewable energy source, having a sustainable development...
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For or against wind power - This influences our attitudes

In 2018, a solid majority believed that Norway should increase onshore wind power production. Since then, support has significantly declined...
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Illustrasjonsbilde for Vannkraft vs vindkraft. Den ene halvdelen viser grønn slette med flere vindmøller og den andre halvdelen viser et vannkraftverk

Balancing power - what happens when it's not wimndy?

Balancing power: We compare hydropower vs. wind power and what is most efficient to develop for...
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Bilde fra planområdet. Tatt fra bakken i det østlige delområdet som ledd i kartlegge naturmangfold (vi ser nordre del av det vestlige delområdet).

Many and deep dives in the permit area 

– It is probably not many projects in Norway where there have been more man-days spent on...
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– The developer has no influence on our conclusions

From time to time, it is claimed that impact assessments are tailored to the client's wishes. That assertion...
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Portrett av Harald Dirdal, prosjektleder for Grenselandet AS

The Davvi project cannot be compared to the Fosen judgment

– As a natural consequence of the Fosen ruling, we sought a legal opinion on a specific question. Will...
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Slik jobber vi med menneskerettigheter, reindrift og naturen

Biodiversity and wind power – We are working to preserve reindeer husbandry, the environment, and nature

There are many considerations that must be taken into account when planning a wind farm. One must safeguard people...
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Bilde av Ørjan Larsen foran sitt nye mobile kontor

St1 employs community contact for Davvi wind farm

The permit application for the Davvi wind farm is under review by the NVE (Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate), and to ensure local presence, the majority owner...
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