Davvi Vindpark ble konsesjonssøkt i 2019, og i juni 2024 annonserer NVE at konsesjonssøknaden ikke skal behandles før tidligst i 2040. Konsesjonssøker Grenselandet AS, med St1 som majoritetseier, har anket denne beslutningen til Energidepartementet og ber om at avgjørelsen oppheves slik at prosjektet kan realitetsbehandles etter forvaltningsloven.
The establishment of the Davvi wind farm is expected to generate significant local spillover effects, both during the construction and operational phases.
Read moreRight now, Finnmark has a slight power surplus over the year. However, even today, East Finnmark experiences a power deficit during the winter months.
Read moreMicroplastics are a minor issue for today's wind power plants, accounting for 0.002% of the annual microplastic emissions. Read more about how climate and the environment are impacted by wind power plants.
Read moreTo achieve the energy transition, we must prioritize the highest possible electricity production on the land we use and minimize disadvantages in the form of interventions in valuable untouched natural areas.
Read moreFor Grenselandet, it has been crucial to place the wind farm in an area where coexistence with reindeer husbandry is possible.
Read moreThe permit applicant for Davvi wind farm is Grenselandet DA.
Grenselandet is owned by the energy companies St1 and Ny Energi, with St1 being the majority owner.